Monday, May 26, 2014

A Real Simulation

This practice test environment has a 'certification mode' in which the actual test conditions are simulated.  There's not a lot of difference between this and the other ways I've taken the test, but I figured I'd give it a try.

It took me 23 minutes, according to the after test report, and I scored 94%.  Yay.

I acheived:
95% in operational procedures
94% in laptops
91% in networking
91% in PC hardware
90% in printers

A couple observations from this simulation:
I'm a little surprised that I missed at least one question in each section of the test.
I'm not surprised I did miss some questions.  There are some things, like class A, B, C or D IP addresses which I have missed previously, reviewed many times, and still don't have memorized.  I hope there are none, or very few of these questions on the test.
That question about the order in which I'd clean a laser printer continues to haunt me.  I think, if I ever need to clean a laser printer, I'll just toss it and buy a new one.

Time to take the real test.  I have it scheduled for this Friday, May 30.  Check back soon after that if you want to see how it goes.

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